Tournament day

Man stands at the end of a diving boardCreative Commons License simpleinsomnia via Compfight 

Hi, my name is Alex. My passion is golfing because golfing is a simple sport and all you have to do is concentrate and hit the ball with your club. I love golf because I love being outside and I don’t have to worry about someone else and what they are doing. I have made it to the all-star team for golf last year. It was a blast what you do is go to like if you live in the united states then you go to like Tennessee and play there.

I like my passion because it is fun by when if you have friends that play then you can play with them too. Golf can be hard because you can’t just go out to the course and be good. I practice about 4-5 hours a day on weekends. It can take a lot of time out of your time. Golf can take a lot of cash from out of your wallet. Sometimes a whole set can cost about $500 depending on what clubs you have. Thank you and this is my passion.