My favorite grandpas

One of my favorite grandpas of the 2 that I have is Gene T. He has been in the Korea War and fought for a long time. He use to be the one who was on a ship.  Of course he is still alive today. Now he serves as a veteran because he has retired.

My second favorite grandpa is Marshal G. He served in World War II. When he was there he used to fly airplanes and take really good pictures because he was a photographer. We still have a lot of pictures of him and his crew. Sadly he is not here today. But some of his crew still is. We have a lot of history about him like his hats and photos.

There is many places to visit like if you go to Buffalo somewhere you will find a huge ship and that is  one of the ships that my grandpa Gene  T. was on. There where bunch of submarines there and lots of missiles in the ship. When you get there or if you go there, there is a lot of tourism. If you go to a certain statue you can find my grandpas name on a statue.

Welcome home. Jill Bazeley via Compfight

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